Monday, February 22, 2010

Fergus the Forgetful

Fergus Ferguson has been chosen as the leader of his inter school quiz ball team.Fergus forgets everything not important things but silly things like where to put his clothes and how to make your bed.Fergus now has a method every morning his best friend would come round to his house and check that Fergus hasn't forgotten anything everyday the inter school team of five would go to the library read books about what the question was then every afternoon they would go home.On the day of the quiz ball all teams and families gathered to hall by the ending of lunch their was one more question to answer Fergus slammed his hand down on the buzzer then he forgot the answer the question reader read the question once again "what was Einstein's theory that he made " Fergus figured it out and said "E= MC squared" he got it right the school had won their first ever quiz ball!