Monday, March 29, 2010

Oliver Moon and the Potion Commotion

This book is about a wizard who would usually get up go to magic school learn some spells and potions then come home and have some potion practice to do. But on the 17 May while every ones eating he gets asked by the head teacher to go to her office. He thinks to himself am i in trouble? i don't think i did anything wrong. Once they're at the office she says to Oliver "you and Hayley Hamburger have been chosen to represent our school in the potion commotion ". That day when he got home he had to transform his house from you're everyday house to a wizard house.

The potion commotion was a wizard competition were how ever had the best wizard house and potion would win ten thousand goobers for their school. The judges came round that afternoon looked at the house and and some of Oliver's "Wart Removal Potion" he thought he had done very well and he did until the judges went to their office.The next day at Assembly Oliver and Hayley where asked to stand up were they where the judges went up on stage and said "we have been to 24 schools and we are very proud to announce that porkington school of wizardry has won the potion commotion!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Changing Charlie

Charlie is very good at making faces so good that he scared his mum with a cat impression. Soon later he went downtown to the pet shop, were he makes impressions of a goldfish, budgie, hamster, puppy. But after that he picked up and thrown into a van. He didn't know what to do so he did an impression of a box and chucked himself in the corner. Next thing you know is that another dog is in there with you and you get driven off to the dog show, once there you turn back to a puppy and chucked onto a lead, you run away and then saves the dog show by pretending to be a trophy. What a day!!!