Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hiccup Harry

This book is about a boy called Harry one day he had a seriously bad case of the hiccups he was hiccuping through most of that day heres the story. Mrs Talbot was reading a poem to everyone when Harry hiccuped "who did that" asked Mrs Talbot Harry raised his hand "get rid of them" Harry nodded. He tried to get rid of them but he didn't know how when it was his turn in the playhouse he asked Sharon Sharon said "sing a song" Harry sung"twinkle twinkle little hic star hic hic hic oh no" the playhouse fell down.Mrs Talbot sent Harry to get a glass of water he walked and walked and finally got a glass of water on his way back a guy asked him what he was doing Harry told him about his hiccups and how they where still there "why don't you do a handstand" said the guy and then he left.Harry counted to three then did a handstand and went down they where gone he went to the class and lived a normal school day

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dog Days

Greg likes to spend his summer holidays indoors the whole summer he play video games. He would have also be able to do the same thing as last summer he and his friend Rowley stayed at his dads luxurious country club called "Live The Life Of A Superstar". When i was there I did feel like a superstar it's fantastic i loved it there it was so cool you got room service whenever youlike they have hot pools and golf courses and you got lots of of ice cream and lollies. Playing ideo games is fun but boring so his mum takes him to the arcade the publiuc pool and other places that he likes its fantastic and he gets a puppy aswell so remember a bad holiday can be a good holiday

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wayside School is Falling Down

This book is about all the kids in Mrs Jewls class. One day Louis the Caretaker was picking pencils and pieces of paper of the grass when a truck came by with a package he got it and went all the way up to Mrs Jewls room Wayside School had one room on every floor Mrs Jewls was on the thirtieth floor. Finally Louis made it the top Sam opened the door for him he put it on the counter Louis opened it and took out a computer. Mrs Jewls said "we can learn much faster with a computer " she standed there then pushed the computer out the window " thats gravity everyone" "why did you do that" asked Louis "because we've been using pencils and pieces of paper to show them gravity but the computer was much faster""oh" . This book has many chapters all about the kids in Mrs Jewls this is a really good book!