Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stink Solar System Superhero

What happens in "Stink Solar System Superhero" is Stink comes home and has to study for his astronomy test. Judy his big sister help him to remember the planets with the method of saying " My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas". Stink asks her what it means and she says " every first letter of that sentence has a planet's first letter see Mercury Venus earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto" Judy told Stink. ' I get it now' Stink said. Stink came home in a mood not a good mood a bad mood he had failed his test and got a big fat F. He growled at Judy she was sorry she asked what he got wrong. " Pluto" Stink said " what about it did you forgot to put it in" Judy asked "no it doesn't exist" Stink said angrily "yes it does" Judy said "not any more" does so""does not". Stink was most angry as Riley had gotten a A+ he went to school the next day and Rotten Riley was showing off her shirt which said" I went to space camp"Stink was now furious. They decided that they would vote for if Pluto was in the Solar system or not. Stink's team did a play about how Pluto should still be a planet. Rotten Riley made a song about Pluto being so small but Stink won and now he is Stink Solar System Superhero

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