Sunday, August 29, 2010


This book is about about a a gerbil how likes to shred newspapers to make his nest and some litter. One day Mr. Blabber, The new Head Teacher came into the class And complained about Shredder he called him smelly ugly and rather repulsive. But Dino stood up to Mr.Blabber and told him that gerbils aren't smelly they're rather cute and not at all repulsive.Mr Blabber got angry so he went out side to the school garden and made giant holes until he started sweating. "Good job Dino" Mrs Milka, The class teacher said. At lunchtime Mrs Milka told Dino to go ad put the class Sea trip money to Mr. Blabber instead he played with Shredder He stroked him then he ran away int0 the tissue box where the sea trip money was. After lunch Mrs Milka asked what happened about Shredder and Dino told her shew was mad Shredder started shredding the money Mrs Milka told Dino to take the money to office and he found Shredder and shredded money the bank replaced the money kindly.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Adventures Of Super Diaper Baby

This book is about a hero who is a baby. He was not born from a super hero. He was born from a person. A doctor was going to spank the baby, but he accidentally slipped out of the doctors hand, then he fell out of a window, and dropped into a glass of super hero juice that came from a man called Deputy Doo Doo. Then the baby became a hero. The juice came from another hero named Captain Underpants. I really enjoyed this book because it has funny stuff like the flip-o-ramas. Maybe you would like it. My other reason is that I like the character evil dog because he is a dog. The humans name is Deputy Doo Doo. He is a another funny character. My last reason is that the baby gets along with a dog that belongs to Deputy Doo Doo. This book is by the same writers as Captain Underpants and like all of the Captain Underpants series this book is also hilarious.I recommend this book to all ages because it is funny especially the characters. If you like super heroes you should read this book.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Blue Stealer

Arf, arf, arf the Doggeroo dogs where talking about this new scent they've picked up "it's coming from the station" Preacher, my junior Jack, said. "then to the station we shall go" I yell. The scent is stronger now we're at the station "let's find where this scent is coming from" Foxie said. "Over here, pops" Preacher barked. "good work little one" I respond.I sniff then sniff again then I yell over the fence"is anyone home" "what do you want" a voice mutters. "Nothing just to meet you" I politely greet. "I'm busy!" The voice said. "I smell something familiar, very familiar" Foxie said. Back in Foxie's back yard there is a fuss caused by drama queen Foxie "where's my boot" she cried. I smelt a new smell again it wasn't any thing like the last one it smelt like burning rubber and it was with Walter Barkley and Weasy the Pug aboard his bicycle. Weasy told everyone about the robbery "who ever robbed you robbed me" Foxie complained. "It was a new scent though that had robbed us" Weasy added to his speech "let's check out the new house that we detected with a new scent"Preacher said. "Hello" I barked over the fence there was no reply we dived over the fence we found millions of stolen things so we let out a huge howl and everyone in town came including the owner of the house. He got put behind bars same with his dog.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stink and the Incredibile Awesome Super Galatic Jawbreaker

This book is about Stink Moody and when he got a free $10 voucher for Sweet 'n' Sour because he won the Elementary spelling bee. He was looking for what to get when a giant sign stopped him in his tracks. It was no ordinary sign it was a sign for the new Incredible Awesome Super Galactic Jawbreaker. It was only $5 he could get two but his bossy sister Judy Moody wanted a chocolate bar which was also $5 so he only got one. Stink chewed it all day long and chewed it all night. But one day it was gone he ate it he was angry he was furious. He sent a letter to the company about how there jawbreaker didn't break his jaw. They sent back a whole box of free jawbreakers he was writing more letters and getting more free stuff. This is the life he tried talking to Webster about but he just ignored him. Stink was enjoying himself when he saw a piece of paper not any piece of paper an invitation to Websters birthday. That's why he's mad Stink thought. The next day Stink came to school with a candy-gram for Webster like a tele-gram but better. Webster was so happy with Stink he gave him a hug. Stink told him how many jawbreakers there where. Webster was shocked "five hu-hu-hu-hundr-dr-dred," Webster said

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Ham Heist

"The Ham Heist" is about when Sarge and Tidge get married they have a huge celebration. Preacher Jacks junior Jack Russell was scared that dog-bogarts (kids that don't like dogs and be mean to them) were out to get him. When Jill Russell heard about what his son had been scared about Jill organised a case to solve. Preacher didn't know about the case but Jack did. Bark, bark, bark all the dogs were barking at a truck not just any truck the butchers truck it was delivering a big ham to Tidge for the feast. Dogs tried to push the butcher over as if food touches the floor it would be automatically for dogs. Tidge put the big ham in the pantry. Mmmmmmmm the delicious smell was so yum but all of a sudden it was gone Tidge opened the pantry it was gone. At the wedding Tidge ordered a new ham while Preacher left the ceremony looking for the heisted ham he sniff sniffed walked closer and closer to the shed he found ham with a lid over so there was only a small whiff of ham coming out who had done it though it was Jill but to Preacher it was still a mystery.