Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Blue Stealer

Arf, arf, arf the Doggeroo dogs where talking about this new scent they've picked up "it's coming from the station" Preacher, my junior Jack, said. "then to the station we shall go" I yell. The scent is stronger now we're at the station "let's find where this scent is coming from" Foxie said. "Over here, pops" Preacher barked. "good work little one" I respond.I sniff then sniff again then I yell over the fence"is anyone home" "what do you want" a voice mutters. "Nothing just to meet you" I politely greet. "I'm busy!" The voice said. "I smell something familiar, very familiar" Foxie said. Back in Foxie's back yard there is a fuss caused by drama queen Foxie "where's my boot" she cried. I smelt a new smell again it wasn't any thing like the last one it smelt like burning rubber and it was with Walter Barkley and Weasy the Pug aboard his bicycle. Weasy told everyone about the robbery "who ever robbed you robbed me" Foxie complained. "It was a new scent though that had robbed us" Weasy added to his speech "let's check out the new house that we detected with a new scent"Preacher said. "Hello" I barked over the fence there was no reply we dived over the fence we found millions of stolen things so we let out a huge howl and everyone in town came including the owner of the house. He got put behind bars same with his dog.

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