Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Adventures Of Super Diaper Baby

This book is about a hero who is a baby. He was not born from a super hero. He was born from a person. A doctor was going to spank the baby, but he accidentally slipped out of the doctors hand, then he fell out of a window, and dropped into a glass of super hero juice that came from a man called Deputy Doo Doo. Then the baby became a hero. The juice came from another hero named Captain Underpants. I really enjoyed this book because it has funny stuff like the flip-o-ramas. Maybe you would like it. My other reason is that I like the character evil dog because he is a dog. The humans name is Deputy Doo Doo. He is a another funny character. My last reason is that the baby gets along with a dog that belongs to Deputy Doo Doo. This book is by the same writers as Captain Underpants and like all of the Captain Underpants series this book is also hilarious.I recommend this book to all ages because it is funny especially the characters. If you like super heroes you should read this book.

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