Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Four Mice Deep in the Jungle

I told the psychiatrist everything he wanted to now. "Vell, vhis vis all up to vou" He spoke in a funny accent. "What do you mean it is all up to me?" I shouted. " Vou must vace vour vears" He saiid in the same tone. I was about to argue when i remembered i was paying on a hourly rate. The next day Thea rang she rang to ask why i missed work I told her about my fears. A hour later i was ta napped by my own family. They took me into the airport. I'm afraid of crowds. Trap ran towards the luggage carts and before you could say mozzarella he grabbed one. Trap picked me up on it and ran at high speed. "STOP!!!" I cried. I'm afraid of crashing. He stopped near a counter. He left me alone and dizzy on the cart. A very attractive rodent wearing a cargo themed outfit walked up to me. She asked for my autograph. "Go into that jeep!" She snapped. I replied "why?". Because you signed it she replied. She unfolded the piece of paper it read : If you sign this contract you must do whatever Ms. Posionfur says otherwise you must pay her $100000 dollars. For one week Ms. Posionfur helped me conquer all of my fears. I was finally cured. I rung up my psychiatrist and told him i was cured except that i was still afraid of cats!

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