Sunday, October 17, 2010

Inspector Jacques

The ranch slider slid across. Footsteps went into my house. Someone was on MY terrier-tory. I quickly ran inside and let out a big jack yap! I immediately attacked the dog. Then i heard Aunty Tidge come into the room. "Jack stop attacking Inspector Cook's dog" she yelled at me. I whined. I didn't now that it was him i thought. So that's who Inspector Cook is I thought Sarge has been talking on the phone to him early this morning. I then remembered my junior Jack went to the library to meet Fat Molly. I sprinted to the library and found Preacher tied up to the fence. Soon the librarian tied me up too! It wasn't long until Inspector Cook popped up. He rescued us he gave preacher some salami. But he just tugged my collar. We walked back to my terrier-tory. Inspector Jacques (the dog) told me that a painting had been stolen by the painter. The Painter is a very well-known art thief. Who has recently stole a painting called the Painter's Pup. She pours paint in her hideout and no-one has caught her. She has been located in Doggeroo Jacques went on. "What is a painter is it the same as the decorator at uptown house" Preacher asked " YES!" Jacques and I said together. We led Inspector Cook to uptown house where he arrested the painter.

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