Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stink And The Super Stinky Sneaker Contest

Stink was walking into the bus Stink was on the bus and now the bus was moving. Stink was going to the all-time stinky museum he couldn't believe it he was amazed at what he saw there he smelled popcorn shoes diapers he couldn't believe hes smell senses. One word s-m-e-l-l-t-a-s-t-i-c it was the most amazing day of his life it was it was smelltastic. At lunch his teacher Ms. Fruitloop gave out pamphlets about the super stinky sneaker contest. Stink thought about his sneaker the all-time stinky smell monsters would win. Stink decided to enter the competition with smell monsters he never ever washed them. Two days before the contest Judy stole the smell monsters and poisoned them with with the evil dreaded air freshener. "Who did this" Stink whined holding up the smell monsters "i did" said Judy "those sneakers need it they smelled vile""but...but..but.. I was entering them in a competition you ruined my perfect 1st prize" blubbered Stink "sorry" replied a quiet squeaky mouse voice. Sophie rung Stink that night they knew Sophie would win Stink still tried to get the smell monsters stinky but it was no use. On the day of the Super Stinky Sneaker Contest Stink tagged along he was called to a smelltastic judge (because one didn't show up) he smelled Sophie's and hers won!

Judy Moody Predicts The Future

Judy was chomping down her cereal she wanted to get the mystery prize at the bottom of the box. At last she found the mystery prize it was a ring, not just any ring but a mood ring. She then put it on and put her thumb on top of it. It turned black Judy didn't even need to check what black meant she already knew. Black meant in a bad mood (angry) now all she needed to do was find out why she was in a bad mood.

She went to Stink's room she wasn't in a bad mood. She talked to Mum and Dad no still happy. So she decided to try and be a fortune teller. She try to tell fortune she called herself Madame Moody M for short. She got some predictions right and some wrong. She predicted that Rocky, Frank and Jessica would have baloney sandwiches. But she also tried to predict that a mouse would come out of the hole in the corner but it didn't. It was time Made M was going to make her biggest prediction ever she predicted that Mr Todd was in love with the crayon lady that came to school the other day and she was right!

Judy Moody Saves The World

This book is about Judy when she is learning about endangered animals their teacher Mr. Todd would hold a basket with pieces of paper in it, each piece of paper would have a name of an endangered animal on it. Judy got the Tiger Beetle the most boring endangered animal ever! Not something cool like a tiger or a rhino but a beetle. She was playing doctors with her younger brother , Stink when he grabbed Judy's Crazy Strip packet.

"Hey give me that" shouted Judy "I just want to read about the contest" Judy snatched the packet and sure enough they where having a competition. The box read "we want your design, Crazy Strips are having a competition design your own Crazy Strip and win everyone gets a honourable mention certificate. Their are 12 runner-ups witch will get a years supply of Crazy Strips and their Crazy strip in stores for a month and some cool Crazy Strip glasses. And their will also be a winner who will get a pair of roller blades and their Crazy Strip in stores for a whole year.

"I want to win 1st prize" said Judy and Stink and they grabbed some paper and pencils and started drawing stink started straight away but Judy had no idea what to draw
so she would wait for another day. Judy went for a beetle hunt in the morning and also she got everything that was made from the rainforest for example coffee beans and her moms lipstick . She reduced reused and recycled.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Judy Moody Goes To College

This book is about a girl name "Judy Moody". She has a series of books so there's more of these books going to be on my blog. Shes going to college even though she's still in third grade but Mrs Zeldisimo (her substitute teacher) tells her that she needs a math tutor so she goes to college to find a awesome red headed girl name"Chloe" as her tutor she is so cool Chloe's even making math fun! Like doing graphs for counting beetles ( BMW's) goes to a coffee shop called "Cool Cats" and does multiplication, subtraction and addition with sugar. She turns into a college freak and her friends stop liking her so Chloe suggests going to college with her for the day. She is very excited and got picked on Wednesday in Chloe's gecko green beetle they Tye dye shirts go to the mess hall and Had vege burgers. She loves college so much she doesn't want to leave but she had to on Thursday she went back to her primary school. Alot can happen when your with Judy Moody

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Emily Eyefinger

This book is lots and lots of stories about Emily (the girl who was born with a eye on the end of her finger". In this action-packed story she becomes a crook catcher, finds missing things behind the stove, gets a goldfish and names it "Fluffy". Everyone likes the eye on the end of her finger her parents would often ask "do you want to keep it on " and she would say " on one hand I like it and the other i don't ".