Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Judy Moody Predicts The Future

Judy was chomping down her cereal she wanted to get the mystery prize at the bottom of the box. At last she found the mystery prize it was a ring, not just any ring but a mood ring. She then put it on and put her thumb on top of it. It turned black Judy didn't even need to check what black meant she already knew. Black meant in a bad mood (angry) now all she needed to do was find out why she was in a bad mood.

She went to Stink's room she wasn't in a bad mood. She talked to Mum and Dad no still happy. So she decided to try and be a fortune teller. She try to tell fortune she called herself Madame Moody M for short. She got some predictions right and some wrong. She predicted that Rocky, Frank and Jessica would have baloney sandwiches. But she also tried to predict that a mouse would come out of the hole in the corner but it didn't. It was time Made M was going to make her biggest prediction ever she predicted that Mr Todd was in love with the crayon lady that came to school the other day and she was right!

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