Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stink And The Super Stinky Sneaker Contest

Stink was walking into the bus Stink was on the bus and now the bus was moving. Stink was going to the all-time stinky museum he couldn't believe it he was amazed at what he saw there he smelled popcorn shoes diapers he couldn't believe hes smell senses. One word s-m-e-l-l-t-a-s-t-i-c it was the most amazing day of his life it was it was smelltastic. At lunch his teacher Ms. Fruitloop gave out pamphlets about the super stinky sneaker contest. Stink thought about his sneaker the all-time stinky smell monsters would win. Stink decided to enter the competition with smell monsters he never ever washed them. Two days before the contest Judy stole the smell monsters and poisoned them with with the evil dreaded air freshener. "Who did this" Stink whined holding up the smell monsters "i did" said Judy "those sneakers need it they smelled vile""but...but..but.. I was entering them in a competition you ruined my perfect 1st prize" blubbered Stink "sorry" replied a quiet squeaky mouse voice. Sophie rung Stink that night they knew Sophie would win Stink still tried to get the smell monsters stinky but it was no use. On the day of the Super Stinky Sneaker Contest Stink tagged along he was called to a smelltastic judge (because one didn't show up) he smelled Sophie's and hers won!

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