Sunday, May 9, 2010

Judy Moody Goes To College

This book is about a girl name "Judy Moody". She has a series of books so there's more of these books going to be on my blog. Shes going to college even though she's still in third grade but Mrs Zeldisimo (her substitute teacher) tells her that she needs a math tutor so she goes to college to find a awesome red headed girl name"Chloe" as her tutor she is so cool Chloe's even making math fun! Like doing graphs for counting beetles ( BMW's) goes to a coffee shop called "Cool Cats" and does multiplication, subtraction and addition with sugar. She turns into a college freak and her friends stop liking her so Chloe suggests going to college with her for the day. She is very excited and got picked on Wednesday in Chloe's gecko green beetle they Tye dye shirts go to the mess hall and Had vege burgers. She loves college so much she doesn't want to leave but she had to on Thursday she went back to her primary school. Alot can happen when your with Judy Moody

1 comment:

  1. There is also a series about her younger brother Stink
