Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surf's Up Geronimo

I walked pass the Mouse of Travel "I need a break off work" I thought. Right then someone slapped me on the back "looking for little vacation,eh,Geronimo" The person who slapped me said. I know who slapped me on the back, the owner of "Cheap Junk For Less", an obnoixus, annoying person, and also known as my cousin Trap. "Just looking" I maturely said then headed to work. He grabbed me "come I know a brilliant travel agency" he said. We stopped outside a building with a sign on it that said " Trust Me, You'll Like It travel agency". We walked inside "you must be Gerattimo" he said before i could answer Trap said, "yup, that's him". Before I knew I was at a so called resort at Tuffa Tuffa Island. It was infested with cockrachs, everyone thought I was crazy, a kid named Bratfur was trying to make my life mioseravle and I was paying heaps of money for this VACATION THAT ISN'T REALLY A VACATION!!!!!!!! I checked out caught a taxi "take me to the Trust Me, You'll Like It travel agency" I shouted. I arrived the was a sticker on the window it read "gone on vacation be back in a week". I walked over to Trap's shop "gone on vacayion beback in a week and when i say vacation i don't mean a vacation like my stupid cousin went on."

Friday, September 10, 2010

I'm Too Fond Of My Fur

"Are you bald"the t.v asked me "yes i'm talking to you"the lady in the ad continued. I felt the top of my head I was growing a bald spot myself! "Well don't fear the new super-duper amazing wonderful brilliant hair grower is here and coming to the rescue" she added. Order your super-duper amazing wonderful brilliant hair grower now ring 0800 GROW HAIR. I dialed the number on the screen immediately "Hello would you like to buy a super-duper amazing wonderful brilliant hair grower" the receiver asked me "yes, please send one super-duper amazing wonderful brilliant hair gro......." I said but got cut off. I sat down and watched my shoe and then the phone rang. "Stilton speaking,Geronimo Stilton" I said "Help me get me my diary and bring it to Gnourma quickly..yeti...danger!"the phone said then hung up. I could recognise that voice from any wear was Professer Von Volt. He was a very talented scientist. I slammed the door shut then called a taxi. "Gnourma please" I said. He dropped me off at Gnrma I ran up the big mountain. When something grabbed me by the tail it took me into a cave. In the cave i saw Professor Von Volt he was caring for a small yeti. "Pass me my diary" he scowled. He read then got back to work he told me that these were the last yetis in existence and all the other yetis died because of rare disorders my diary keeps the formula to the medicine. I waved to my friend then went back home for some rest.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Paw's Off Cheddarface

It all started off when i was walking along the street and then an old lady told my that i had some nerve to go back here again. But I had no idea what she was talking about. So i walked down to the subway station where i meet Rodrick my old chum from school. "Some friend you are" he told me. Again I had no idea what he was talking about. This crazy morning got even crazier when i saw a sign that read: Geronimo Stilton in the arena tonight only $2.00 for your ticket. Me and Thea met each other at The Rodent's Gazette I told her the whole story she told me to go the concert and find the impostor I got there right on time, 6 o'clock sharp. After the amazing performance i went backstage to find myself it was hard to find my dressing room it was miles away, o.k probably only five minutes by it seemed like for ever. In my dressing room i wasn't back yet so i found a wallet! I picked it up the other me opened the door he ran away when he saw me. I read the I.D in the wallet it belonged to Sydney Starfur the actor he looks exactly like me then i saw a letter in the wallet. It read: Sydney Starfur you look very much like Geronimo Stilton so I would like you to ruin his LIFE! Yours Sincerely Sally Ratmousen. Hmmmm what could i do i thought i quickly chased Sydney and payed him to stop he kindly agreed.