Thursday, September 16, 2010

Surf's Up Geronimo

I walked pass the Mouse of Travel "I need a break off work" I thought. Right then someone slapped me on the back "looking for little vacation,eh,Geronimo" The person who slapped me said. I know who slapped me on the back, the owner of "Cheap Junk For Less", an obnoixus, annoying person, and also known as my cousin Trap. "Just looking" I maturely said then headed to work. He grabbed me "come I know a brilliant travel agency" he said. We stopped outside a building with a sign on it that said " Trust Me, You'll Like It travel agency". We walked inside "you must be Gerattimo" he said before i could answer Trap said, "yup, that's him". Before I knew I was at a so called resort at Tuffa Tuffa Island. It was infested with cockrachs, everyone thought I was crazy, a kid named Bratfur was trying to make my life mioseravle and I was paying heaps of money for this VACATION THAT ISN'T REALLY A VACATION!!!!!!!! I checked out caught a taxi "take me to the Trust Me, You'll Like It travel agency" I shouted. I arrived the was a sticker on the window it read "gone on vacation be back in a week". I walked over to Trap's shop "gone on vacayion beback in a week and when i say vacation i don't mean a vacation like my stupid cousin went on."

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